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Break Free & Transform Your Life Today!

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Be ready to IGNITE your journey of Inner Healing and Unleash your TRUE POTENTIAL!

Experience profound transformation through the power of rewiring your brain’s neural pathways, replacing outdated belief systems, and dismantling negative behavior patterns. As new, life-affirming beliefs take root, the healing process begins, unlocking your full potential for lasting change.

With Wendy’s extensive toolbox of transformative techniques, profound insight, and deep expertise, you’ll receive personalized guidance that delivers permanent shifts across physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

By reframing your core beliefs, values, and subconscious habits, Wendy helps you break free from persistent struggles and install empowering patterns that align with your highest potential. This is not just healing—it’s a total transformation to create the life you truly deserve.

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What to Expect During a Session

Wendy combines the powerful and transformative modalities with intuitive guidance to create lasting change. We begin by guiding you into a deeply relaxed meditative state,  where you remain fully aware, in control and able to remember everything afterward. In this relaxed state, we access your subconscious mind to uncover and revisit pivotal moments from your past that have shaped your current beliefs and behaviors.

By examining these past experiences from an adult perspective, we can reframe their meaning, release limiting beliefs, and clear emotional blockages. Together, we explore three to four key scenes, helping you understand their lasting impact and create space for healing. I then provide empowering suggestions that align with your deepest desires, supported by energy healing and subconscious reprogramming to activate profound transformation.

To ensure lasting change, you’ll receive a personalized activation—a powerful audio recording to listen to for at least 21 days. This repetition reinforces positive, life-affirming beliefs, helping you naturally shift your mindset and behaviors for sustainable, empowered living.

~ Ways to Work With Me ~


30-Minute Initial Consultation

2-Hour Private Session

Custom Activation Recording

15-Minute Follow-Up Session


Optional Upgrades: 

Voxer Coaching Support for 30 days

45-Minute Extended Follow Up Session

Book your free call today to get started.


Begin a transformative VIP journey that will redefine your life’s path. ​This is your chance to invest in yourself like never before and unlock a world of limitless potential.

No matter what aspect of your life you want to enhance — whether it’s health, emotional well-being, presence, spiritual connection, relationships, career, or purpose — I’ll provide the mentorship and guidance to help you rewrite your story, master your mindset, and create the life you were meant to live.


Book your free call today, where I will craft a personalized program tailored to help you achieve the results you want quickly and effectively.

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Procrastination & Lack of Confidence

I went to see Wendy because I was having problems with marketing.  I hadn't got the confidence to put myself out there because of this I was procrastinating. I wouldn't show up on social media.  I found it difficult to put content together. Basically to market myself.  I was hiding away doing other things in my business. Wendy did an amazing session.  


Wendy really understood my needs.   I find that I am more confident. I am busy putting together my website and programs and I'm really enjoying it. I loved the audio she did for me. Wendy's voice is calming and relaxing.  She speaks clearly and slowly.


I would recommend anyone to see Wendy.  She is such a professional.  She makes you feel relaxed.  She listens to your needs. She really understands what it is you want and need.

The session was wonderful.  Thanks again Wendy.   You are an amazing therapist.

JW, Canada

~ Frequently Asked Questions ~

  • What is Rapid Transformational Therapy®? ( RTT®)
    RTT® is a therapeutic approach that uses powerful, evidence-based techniques to provide people with the tools they need to make positive change. The roots of RTT® are drawn from within areas of traditional psychotherapy such as gestalt, solution-focused and cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy and mindfulness. Its personalized approach works with clients to help them reframe any negative beliefs, values, habits and emotions – many of which they have carried with them since childhood. Often, these have been so deeply buried in their subconscious that they are unaware of the past issues affecting them. By giving the client the potential to alter the way they think and put an end to negative self-talk, they can approach life in a positive way and move forward.
  • Why is RTT® used for?
    Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) is a versatile, solution-focused approach that effectively addresses a wide range of challenges, from emotional issues like anxiety, stress, and self-esteem to physical conditions such as chronic pain, insomnia, and autoimmune disorders. Widely used by celebrities, athletes, and business leaders, RTT® helps individuals uncover and understand the root causes of their issues, enabling them to overcome obstacles and enhance their overall well-being. While not a substitute for medical treatment, RTT® complements traditional approaches, offering an additional pathway to healing both the body and mind.
  • How does it work?
    Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) creates breakthroughs by targeting the root causes of issues rather than just treating surface-level symptoms. This core-focused approach is what makes RTT® so effective, delivering profound and lasting change. RTT® professionals utilize a range of techniques and tools designed to engage with the subconscious mind. By accessing and addressing underlying blocks, the therapy facilitates the reprogramming of your mind to support success and well-being. This comprehensive method ensures that the root causes are resolved, leading to significant and enduring benefits.
  • Is RTT® hypnotherapy?
    RTT® embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients. However, the RTT® method goes beyond traditional hypnotherapy by diagnosing what works best with clients to build a new, highly effective therapeutic approach. Marisa explains that RTT® “…doesn’t come from a single methodology; it comes from the unique layering of techniques and beliefs that I created and now teach.”
  • How is the RTT® Method different?
    RTT® achieves outstanding results far quicker than many other therapeutic modalities, including talk therapies. RTT® is becoming more widely recognized because of its speed and effectiveness. Unlike many hypnotherapy methods, RTT® does not rely solely on positive reinforcement. RTT® gets to the root cause of an issue, giving clients the most liberating understanding and transformative power to achieve dramatic, long-lasting results. RTT® was developed by Marisa Peer. She has a powerful reputation as one of the world’s most celebrated therapists is based on the results of her 30 years of intensive research and practice. “I am a great believer that you cannot fix what you don’t understand, and RTT® works by first understanding how you got your issues and then freeing you from them for good by understanding the Role, Function and Purpose of the issue.” – Marisa Peer
  • What’s the difference between RTT® and NLP?
    People who have heard of the RTT® method, but not experienced it for themselves, sometimes think it sounds similar to Neuro-Linguistic Processing (NLP). It’s true that both NLP and RTT® can teach you how to better dialogue with your mind and understand the difference between what your subconscious and conscious mind believe. However, RTT® has the added—and crucial—step of also directly accessing and fixing whatever blocks may be there. It has the addition of ‘The Transformation’, developed by Marisa herself. Using specific RTT® therapy methods, clients are able to reach breakthroughs that would not be possible with other techniques.
  • How can RTT® treatment impact physical health and life-long behaviors?
    RTT® offers a comprehensive range of transformational techniques, including command therapy, to activate the body's innate ability to heal and restore itself to wellness from a cellular level. Science has proven with neuroplasticity that we can actually rewire our minds, which is why it has the most powerful potential on the planet. Using RTT® to access the almighty subconscious mind, we can create new neural pathways and replace old limiting beliefs and behaviors with new empowering ones. Marisa has been developing, testing and perfecting this method over three decades, with real clients from royalty to rock stars, Olympic athletes to overeaters and everything in between. “I am immensely proud of the powerful transformations brought about through RTT® treatment." - Marisa Peer. Marisa’s powerful reputation as one of the world’s most celebrated therapists is based on her work over thirty years of intensive research and practice. Now you can experience an RTT® treatment by booking a session with me, trained by Marisa Peer and her team.
  • What Should I Expect From a Session?
    Your RTT® professional will help you reach a deeply relaxed state to enable you to focus on past events. As the client, you will work alongside your RTT® professional to uncover the meaning and interpretation you created at the time and the beliefs you formed as a result. You can then move on to reframe the way you look at the past from your adult perspective today. Once that has been achieved, your RTT® professional will help you to create new, positive beliefs. This will be reinforced with a personalized audio for you to listen to for 21-30 days to establish beneficial change going forward.
  • How long does it take?
    Each Rapid Transformational Therapy® session lasts between 1-1/2 to 2 hours. For that reason, we ask you block of a full 2 hours in your calendar to make sure you’re not rushed.
  • How long does RTT® take to work?
    Every person and situation is unique, but generally, clients should only need between 1-3 sessions per issue.
  • What does it feel like?
    The experience feels different for different people. Some people feel a floating sensation, some do not. Others may feel sleepy, some do not. Most people feel relaxed and at ease. What’s most important is to know that how you feel isn’t an indicator of how effective it is. Regardless of what it feels like - it’s working. I promise.
  • What is hypnosis?
    Hypnosis is a powerful tool for overcoming emotional blocks and deeply ingrained issues. Unlike other forms of therapy, it works by accessing the subconscious mind, where our emotional traumas and learned behaviors are stored. By tapping into the subconscious, hypnosis can rewire negative or harmful thought patterns, clearing mental and emotional obstacles and empowering you to transform your life. Hypnosis is completely safe. You remain fully aware and in control at all times, and your mind will only accept suggestions that it finds beneficial. You will never be compelled to do anything against your will or that could be harmful. Regularly listening to self-hypnosis audios over a period of time (at least three weeks) can significantly improve your quality of life. It can reduce stress and its physical effects, such as digestive issues and tension headaches. Additionally, it can boost confidence, self-esteem, improve your outlook on life, enhance sleep quality, and sharpen concentration and memory. Self-hypnosis is also effective for tackling major deep-rooted issues, including addictions, phobias, eating disorders, and depression. Hypnosis is not magic - it’s science! It works by creating a burst of brain waves that are the same as when you’re in REM (Rapid eye movement) state. That’s what allows you to access the subconscious mind. It’s very easy and anyone can do it, you’ll see for yourself when you do it too! "Hypnosis is a way of directly accessing the subconscious mind so that clients can understand what is running their unwanted behaviors and then become free of them, through a process of suggestion that bypasses the conscious mind and the critical factor, allowing the mind to accept a suggestion it would previously have not accepted." – Marisa Peer Feb 2017
  • Can I get “stuck” in hypnosis?
    No! That’s an old wives’ tale. You have complete control the whole time. You can talk, move your body, get a tissue, even get up and leave (I’ve had clients who had to stop to pee before!). If our call gets disconnected you may drift into sleep if you’re really relaxed, but eventually you’ll notice that you’re not hearing my voice and open your eyes.
  • What if I don’t “go deep” enough?
    Don’t worry about how deep you go. I want you to forget all about that. It's really not important. The depth of trance is not linked to results at all. So don’t get stuck on “Am I deep enough?” Just tell yourself the truth - “This is working” and it will absolutely work. Just know that it is effective.
  • What if I think I already know the reasons behind my issue?
    What makes RTT® amazing is that even if you think you know the reason, you see it in a COMPLETELY new way. That’s what allows you to change the meaning and ultimately, change your beliefs. And for many clients they go back to scenes that are totally different than what they expected. Just relax and trust that your subconscious mind will show you exactly what you need to see.
  • What if I go back to scenes that are painful or scary?
    If you go back to scenes from your life that are related to things like sexual or physical abuse, or other trauma, it’s important to remember that you are not reliving that scene, you are simply reviewing it and that you are safe. I will support you and create a safe space for you to express your emotions and heal - you’ll be okay.
  • When will I start to see changes?
    There are 3 types of change from Rapid Transformational Therapy® - every person is different: ​ Immediate: You feel a massive shift right away, immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviors right in the session. Incremental: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time. Retroactive: You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all of the things that are different in your life.
  • What if I need or want another session?
    RTT® is designed to give you a powerful breakthrough and create big changes in your life. Some clients may need more than one RTT® session on a particular issue, depending on how deep it is, it can take up to 3 sessions. Most want to keep doing sessions to work on other areas of their life and receive guidance to integrate the new beliefs and build new habits and behaviors. For these reasons I offer Exclusive VIP packages for continued support on your change journey or you're dedicated to personal mastery. We can discuss 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month options.
  • Is RTT® covered by insurance (Canada or USA)?
    RTT® is a complementary method of alternative therapy and is not covered by insurance. Unless you have a special wellness plan from your employer that covers alternative methods of therapy. It’s completely up to clients’ choice how they want to proceed with their therapy, based on their financial and economic situation. What they need to take into account is how long they want to struggle with their issue, how many sessions they want, if they are actually ready for a significant rapid shift. Research show that in many cases people tend to choose longer treatments at lower or no cost out of fear for change or other unconscious beliefs that are holding them back from making faster changes, and only a small percentage will choose longer treatments and multiple sessions out of financial situation. If this is the case for you, and you feel like talking about your issue for dozens of sessions and years of therapy, then RTT® Hypnotherapy might not be the most ultimate solution for you at this point as it requires burning desire and commitment to make permanent and positive changes to your life.
  • How many RTT® sessions do I need?
    The recommended number of sessions typically ranges from 1 to 3, depending on the complexity of the issue. For more intricate challenges, 3 sessions may be necessary to thoroughly address all underlying factors. In some cases, a single session may be sufficient. However, the exact number of sessions required will vary, depending on the unique circumstances and the level of commitment from both parties, as well as consistent engagement with the provided recordings.
  • How effective is RTT®?
    Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) is a transformative approach that enables clients to access and address deep-seated issues beyond the reach of everyday consciousness. By harnessing inner resources, RTT® effectively facilitates emotional and physical healing. Results typically vary from session to session, but many clients report profound and lasting changes, including shifts in limiting beliefs and overall perspective on life. RTT® is renowned for its potential to create enduring positive impact.
  • Is there something wrong with me?
    Understanding Your Body and Mind: Many people ask, "Is there something wrong with me?" or "What is wrong with me?" The truth is, there is nothing wrong with you. Your body and mind are your greatest allies, but interpreting their signals is key to healing. Symptoms, whether emotional or physical, are your body and mind's way of communicating. By learning to understand these signals, you gain control over your life. The perceived problems often stem from internal conflicts and misunderstandings rather than inherent flaws. These issues usually reflect past programming, conditioning, trauma, and early beliefs rather than something fundamentally wrong with you.
  • Is there regression involved?
    Yes. Regression is an invaluable way to discover the source of an issue. You will not re-experience anything, you will simply observe events or experiences you have had in your past. What you see may make you sad or joyful but either way you will feel completely safe as you observe.
  • How can it work in only one session?
    Hypnosis allows direct access to the 'reasons' we do what we do and react the way we react, saving you hours even years in talk therapy, searching for the source. The source of our issues are usually based on an age-appropriate understandings. When you're able to observe yourself and these understandings with your adult understanding and compassion, it's relatively easy to let them go and move onto rewiring new beliefs that will help you move forward. Sometimes it can take more than one session per issue but as a rule most issues only take one session. I don't want to waste my time or yours which is why I treat this way. *Please note more complex issues, such as weight management, long-term depression & anxiety, can take several sessions.
  • What is Reiki?
    Reiki is a gentle, holistic healing practice that channels universal life energy to promote balance and well-being in the body, mind, and spirit. Originating from Japan, the word "Reiki" means "universal life force energy." During a session, the practitioner uses light touch or hovers their hands over the body to direct this healing energy where it’s needed most, helping to clear blockages, reduce stress, and enhance the body's natural healing abilities.
  • How does it work?
    Reiki works by channeling universal life energy through the practitioner to the recipient. The practitioner acts as a conduit, allowing this energy to flow where it is needed to promote healing and balance. Whether in person or at a distance, the energy transcends time and space, reaching you to support your body, mind, and spirit in restoring harmony.
  • What is Reiki Used For?
    Reiki is used to support the body’s natural healing processes and can be beneficial for: Reducing stress and anxiety Promoting relaxation Alleviating pain and discomfort Enhancing emotional clarity Boosting overall well-being Supporting the healing process Balance energy levels Aid in spiritual growth
  • What to expect during a Reiki session?
    During a Distance Reiki session, find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be interrupted. The practitioner will connect with your energy and channel Reiki to you for 30 to 60 minutes. You may experience sensations like warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation. After the session, you might feel a shift in your energy, an improved mood, and a greater sense of well-being.
  • What does it feel like?
    During a Reiki session, you might experience a range of sensations. Some people feel warmth or tingling where the energy is flowing. Others may sense a deep sense of relaxation, calm, or even visual imagery. Each person's experience is unique, but most find the session soothing and comforting, with a general feeling of release and balance.
  • What is Distance Reiki?
    Reiki isn’t limited by physical presence. With Distance Reiki, healing energy can be sent to you no matter where you are in the world. The practitioner connects with your energy field remotely, offering the same benefits as an in-person session—bringing peace, balance, and healing across any distance.
  • How is Reiki different from other energy healing methods?
    Reiki is distinct in its approach and philosophy. Unlike some other energy healing methods that may focus on specific techniques or systems, Reiki is based on the concept of universal life energy and channeling it to promote healing and balance. It is non-invasive, often practiced with light touch or hands-off, and can be applied in person or at a distance. Reiki practitioners are trained to connect with and guide the flow of energy to support the body's natural healing processes, emphasizing simplicity, accessibility, and a holistic approach to well-being.
  • How long does it take?
    A Reiki session typically lasts between 30 to 60 minutes. However, the duration can vary depending on your needs and preferences. Distance Reiki sessions can range from just a few minutes to a full hour, offering flexibility while still providing effective results.
  • How long does it take to work?
    The effects of Reiki can be felt immediately, with some experiencing a sense of deep relaxation and relief right after a session. However, the full benefits may unfold over a few days as your body and mind continue to integrate the healing energy. The impact and timeline can vary depending on individual needs and the nature of the issues being addressed.
  • What if I need or want another session?
    If you feel the benefits of Reiki and would like another session, simply schedule a follow-up. Many people find ongoing sessions helpful for maintaining balance and well-being. You can arrange sessions as frequently as you like, whether weekly, monthly, or as needed, to support your healing journey.
  • When will I start to see changes?
    Changes from a Reiki session can begin to manifest immediately, with some people feeling more relaxed and centered right away. However, more noticeable shifts in mood, energy, or physical symptoms may take a few days as your body integrates the healing. The timeline for seeing changes can vary based on individual factors and the nature of the issues being addressed.
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